Our country as well as our state of West Bengal is in developing stage. The youth of the state is unable to complete their education as per need of the job market. They cannot afford higher education due to which they are unable to get any proper jobs or establish themselves. Majority of our youth are drop outs or discontinue their education midway. So where they will go? And what they will do? Thus the very need of the hour is vocational or skill based training.
The objective of ADWTI regarding Skill Development and training:
Varius Skill Training Program Provided
Arya Development and Welfare Trust of India Academy is an initiative of the Government of India in collaboration with the state Governments and Industries. Arya Development and Welfare Trust of India Academy is a not-for-profit society, the first of its kind pioneer venture under the Public-Private-Partnership (PPP) model that endeavours to train.
In the coming days we are aiming to bring self-reliance dependent and return to the mainstream of the society through various skill trainings for the backward families of the students at different levels of the society in collaboration with the government and non-government organizations.
ADAWT OF INDIA – NSDC/PMKVY. Skill Development Training Partner TP ID : TP093270 And Training Center TC ID : TC183956 Cover an Five star institution status from NSDC/PMKVY.Govt. of India.